Welcome to Waypoint Authors

We’re all about testing new things and finding paths forward that are sustainable – in our writing processes, publication paths, and our online selves. Check out the downloads for DIY authors who prefer to work in their own space, in their own time, and in their own way.

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We are all for authors whose writing and publishing processes are as unique as they are.

SR Editors: Jolene Perry & Megan Clements ~ ~ ~ JR Editors: Rachael Haas & Jesse Perry

Strengthen Your Writing and Your Writing Career

Dialogue Tags

An excerpt from: FROM SPARK TO STORY: Using Editorial Eyes to Draft, Revise, and Turn Your Book Idea Into a Full-Blown Novel Dialogue tags are misused ALL the time. It’s okay. You probably didn’t learn all of these in school, and if you did, what are the chances of your brain holding onto this amongst…

5 Pivot Points to Plot Your Novel

The Waypoint Method of plotting aims to get deep under the skin of your story so that you understand more than just what happens to your characters, you understand the WHY. Once we dig deeper into story, the plot points begin to fall together. Plot points are really just moments when your protagonist’s views or…

How to Build a Long-Term Working Relationship With an Editor

If you’re an indie author, then you know it’s your responsibility to build a team to help you get your books out into the world. Because we have creative control and control over our production processes, we have the luxury of choosing our editors. Chances are, you’re probably interested in the idea of building a…

Having a Hard Time Organizing Your Writing Time?

Dreaming is an important part of your writing (both creatively and in business), and we support your biggest, loftiest dreams with everything we have. But can you sort through your dreams for reality? Are you in control of your writing business? Do you know how take a dream and make it real? Or do you get…

A Note for Mid-Career Authors

If we want a long-lasting career writing fiction, we have to step back from what we’re doing once in a while and re-evaluate. Both in what we’re writing and how we’re approaching our author platform, branding, and social media. In the years from 2009 to 2017, I wrote an average of five to nine books…

Quick Tips to Strengthen the Language of Your Fiction

Three things to note before we jump in: ONE: there is no ONE SIZE FITS ALL, or no hard and fast ALWAYS rules in strengthening the language of your fiction. TWO: if your characterization is INCREDIBLE, strong language will most likely come very naturally. THREE: you have more leeway if you’re writing in first person…

7 Reasons You May Need a Publishing Consultation Call

Are you feeling stuck in one or more aspects of your author career? Has the business side of the writing life got you down? A Publishing Consultation Call can help you get focused, and get moving again.  Here are 7 reasons why some one on one time might be exactly what you need to get…

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Developmental Self-Editing

Please Note: This post contains affiliate links. You’ve completed the first full draft of your shiny new novel, and you’re chomping at the bit to send it off to your developmental editor. I mean, it’s on paper now, right? Isn’t it time to get some help with fleshing it out so you can move on…


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